news for 2017
Fun at Theydon Bois

On 4th November we had great magical fun at Theydon Bois Baptist Church. The audience was fantastic - joining in the with the magic and even laughing at some of my jokes! It's always a joy to perform when everyone is so engaged with what is going on.

Stew the Rabbit was his usual disruptive and magical self - managing to upstage me (as usual) with his knife-throwing skills. In addition to Stew the show included rope magic, card tricks, me illustrating my unique superpower, silly string roulette and my homage to Harry Houdini's Chinese Water Torture Escape.

Thanks so much to the organisers for, erm, organising; the audience for, erm, audiencing and those who helped me out on stage for, erm, being stars!

wonderful reactions

Although the website has not been updated much recently the magic has continued with recent performances at a Golf Society, at local churches, a charity fundraising event and a conference for Ministers' spouses. I have thoroughly enjoyed performing them and the audience reactions have been wonderful. One of the reasons I perform is to create joy and wonder for those who watch so it is really gratifying when it goes well. It's interesting how much a good response from an audience also seems to lift the performance, which in turn energises the audience and we encourage each other.

I recently had this lovely response to one of my shows, which they were kind enough to write as a testimonial:

© Nukelear Magic 2016 - 2024. Website designed and maintained by Katie Moore.